
5 exercises that enhances your stamina instantly

john Kreativ |
Health & Fitness

You have been doing your stamina training the wrong way. Do you want to perfect your stamina training?

You might have realized that people who are trying to boost their endurance and stamina resort to cycling and running long distance races. That’s because stamina training is in demand like never before due to the stressful life we have been living.

The truth is that to perfect your stamina, cycling and running is only a part of the equation, you need to improve your muscular strength.

How do you do that? Choosing the right cardiovascular exercise is what you are missing. Cardiovascular exercise pump oxygen in your body and improve your stamina providing strength against age-related wear and tear and improved blood circulation, metabolism and fat-burning.

The good news is that, and the best part is that you can do most of these exercises at home, by yourself, by following the following routines.

7-exercises that increase stamina:

  • Squats
  • Push-ups
  • Mountain climbers
  • Burpees
  • Jumping jacks
  • Climbing stairs


#1 Squats

Doing squats can trigger the strengthening of many muscle groups within the body like quadriceps, calves and hamstrings, knee joints. Squats helps in burning fat and promotes weight loss and flexibility of the lower body and core. Many variations of squats exist.

For the right squat position stand on the floor and keep your legs apart at a distance of your shoulder width. Now, you go down slowly while you inhale in this motion.

With a straight back, do not bend your knees beyond your toes as this might injure your back and knee. It’s like envisioning sitting on a chair. Inhale when you go down, you then hold your breath and exhale when you get back up at original standing position. That’s how a perfect squat is achieved after some few rounds.

#2 Pushups

Pushups is another great exercise that promote endurance and build stamina to a different level. It is also an effective metabolism booster.

You may have realized that, you get exhausted after about 20-30 pushups, that’s because the exercise involves complex set of muscles groups working together in a coordinated manner to maintain your body strength.

To begin with pushups, lie down facing down with your palms near your chest and lift up your body with pressure on your palms. Hold for a few seconds and repeat the process. Doing this with your legs straight, and your arms closer is called diamond push-ups.

#3 Mountain Climbers

Mounting Climber is another stamina-improving exercise that targets complex muscles in the body, don’t worry! You don’t have to go climbing mountains to do this. Just get in a pushup position and bring one leg forward and then followed by the other, and simulate a running or walking movement. While doing this, you have to hold a straight body alignment.

#4 Burpees

Burpees is an intense pushup variation. It involves adding a jump in-between your pushups and effective in boosting stamina and improving cardiovascular health. To begin, lower your hands to the floor in front of you from a squat position and quickly push your feet behind and get into a push-up location. Do a single push up and change back to you start position with a jump up.

#5 Climbing Stairs

If you have ever tried climbing stairs in repetition, then you can connect with what I am about to tell you. Stairs climbing can be one of the most powerful exercises that boost stamina. It is said that the amount of energy and fat that get burnt in 3minutest through this is equivalent to 10 minutes of running and it also burns more calories than jogging.

Beginners might want to start with brisk stair walking because your heart rate can get relatively high when walking upstairs, and the risk of injury and falls increases with a faster pace.

Stair climbing workout can range anywhere from minutes to an hour, so depending on your target fitness level, workout intensity, goals, and time available.

Gradually build up the duration and speed of your workout as your fitness improves.

You can improve your stamina with these 5 exercises. The good thing is that it can be done at home at no cost. And it is far more effective.

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