
Beginner's Guide: Blogging for Passive Income

analyticagh |
Education & Learning

When it comes to making money from your blog, your earning potential is limitless and there are many strategies to implement that can make you earn money fast. Some of the strategies are not so effective for beginners.

For some, running a blog has become a career. However, full-time hours don’t always result in extra pay. Placing ads on your blog can be a very convenient and smart move to bring in extra income.

This is where AdSense comes in, Google AdSense is a cost per click (CPC) advertising program that enables you to find suitable ads quickly and easily. Messages that respond directly to your target market's needs are more likely to be clicked on, which means you’ll often see a higher payout.

In this blog post, I’m going to show you a strategy that you can implement on your blog and start making money on autopilot fast, as a beginner, as well as other ways to customize your blog.

Let’s get started!

Why you should start blogging?

Blogging can be valuable to a variety of people and for a variety of reasons. Blogging is not just for businesses! It can be beneficial financially. The earning potential of blogging is limitless

If you desire to inspire an audience or you have the passion for creating and sharing content; as well as desire to learn new skills and abilities, then blogging might be right for you as a beginner.

There are sites like Blogger, Wix,, and others that offer you a free blog but a free blog has many limitations and that is why you should go for a paid hosted blog. With paid hosting,

  • Your blog will be hosted on a main domain of your choice instead of on a subdomain like or which become lengthy and difficult to read but not short and easy like
  • Your clients, your advertisers and most importantly your readers will take you seriously.
  • Redesign and monetization of the blog becomes easy and stress free.
  • You control all of your blog content and you can back up as often as possible compared to the free alternatives.

How to Start a WordPress blog

For beginners, here are the steps to help you start your blog and make money on autopilot fast. Yes, to monetize it fast. The hosting plan for this guide is HostGator, they have one of the best packages in terms of cost, speed, uptime and customer service for beginners. Herein, are 8 tips to fully set up your WordPress blog.

1. Select Your hosting plan

There are 3 types of plan. If you are planning to start a single blog, then the ‘hatchling’ shared hosting plan is advised. if you want to create more blogs in future, then you can choose ‘Baby’ or ‘business’ shared hosting plan.

hosting plan

2. Choose your Domain Name

Now, you are asked to enter your domain name in the search box, this checks its availability, in choosing your domain name, you must ensure the name is synonymous to the blog niche or topic

For example, A Digital Marketing Course will require a suitable domain name synonymous to ‘’.

choose domain

3. Enter Billing Information and Complete the Signup Process

Now Complete the billing information section and proceed to complete the Signup Process.

 An Email will be sent to you with the HostGator account information and login details.


4. Login to HostGator dashboard

Login with the Information provided and launch the cPanel from the main dashboard

On the cPanel dashboard, navigate to the popular link section and select WordPress Installer

Install wpress

Select the domain for installation

Enter Blog title, Administrator login details and click install

wpress detail

After installation, login with your WordPress login details at the URL location provided to have access to the WordPress dashboard.

wpress dashboard

5.Install a theme after starting your blog

You might need to install or change your theme when you start a blog. There are free and paid themes provided by thousands of developers for usage. A theme changes the overall look and layout of your blog.

You can click on ‘Appearance –> Themes –> Themes’ to find free themes provided by WordPress.

Choose a responsive theme that will be compatible with mobile phone users.

6. Install important plugins

WordPress plugins allow you to add new features and extend the functionality of your WordPress blog. Listed below are some essential plugins for your blog.

Click on ’Plugins –> Add New’ and search for these plugins to install and activate

1. Yoast SEO: One of the best plugins for on-page SEO and other things like creating a sitemap.

2. JetPack Plugin: This is a multipurpose plugin where you can add contact forms, share buttons and site statistics.

3. Akismet Anti-Spam: This plugin protects you from comment spammers. You need to activate the plugin and go to the settings and then click “Get Your API Key” to get your free API Key for free to use this plugin.

4. WP Smush: This plugin optimizes and compresses your image without reducing the quality of your images. It results in less storage space and faster speed of your WordPress blog.

7. Change the permalink

Permalink enables you to create a clean & SEO friendly URL. Just click on Settings -> Permalink to change your settings. Just select the ‘Custom Structure’ and enter /%postname%/ in the text box and click the “Save Changes”.

8. Add your first post

It’s time to add your first blog post. You must write at least 1000 word blog post on your favorite topic based on your blog. Images make your content more attractive so add quality images in your post.

You can find royalty free images on sites like Pixabay, Unsplash, Pexels and Canva to use on your blog.

Click on ‘Posts –> Add New’ to add your first post.

Add your title and content with images and click on “Publish” button to publish the post.

How to monetize your Blog

To keep it simple and focused, I will suggest to you just 2 ways to focus on in order to monetize your blog as a beginner.

Thus, use Google AdSense and Amazon associate.

When you Sign up with AdSense here Google displays ads on your blog similar to you see on this blog. When a visitor clicks on any ads, Google pays you.

Another excellent way is making money as Amazon associate.

Just signup with Amazon Associate . Login to your associate account and get an affiliate link for any product you want to promote through your blog. Add this affiliate links to your text or images.

How to add Google AdSense to WordPress

With WordPress, you can easily add your AdSense code to your blog. In order to do this, login to the administrative end of your website. Then, go to Appearance > Widgets.

In this page select to drag-and-drop a Text widget onto your Blog Sidebar.

wpress adsense

Then, add a title (in our case – Advertisement) and under it, click the Text tab and then paste the actual code that you have obtained from Google. Finally, click on Save.

wpress addscript

The ad will automatically be saved and appear in your WordPress Sidebar.


Armed with the above guide, you can start making money fast as a beginner on autopilot blogging. Remember, content is king and traffic is queen. It is only by creating regular and valuable content that you make money fast as a blogger.

Don’t just be a consumer of content, if you want to be a serious blogger making money on autopilot, Blogging requires a lot of hands on experience and testing, so start fast and multiply your earnings faster.